Plugin options


Specify the rendering mode, the optional values are 'visible' and 'hidden'.

  • Type: string
  • Default: 'visible'


import VueAsyncManager from 'vue-async-manager'

Vue.use(VueAsyncManager, {
  mode: 'hidden'

<Suspense> component


Name Description Type Default
delay The number of milliseconds of delayed display of fallback content Number 0


Name Description
fallback What to show in the loading
error What will be shown when an error occurs in an async call
default What you really want to render


Name Description
resolved Triggered when all async calls succeed
rejected Triggered when an async call has an error

Container element of the Suspense component

There can be at most one root element in a stateful component. To reduce the complexity, we internally use a div as the container wrapper, assuming we have the following code:

  <p slot="loading">loading</p>

If it is in the visible mode, the rendered content is:

<div class="vue-suspense-wrapper">

If it is in hidden mode, the rendered content is:

<div class="vue-suspense-wrapper">
  <div class="vue-suspense-hidden-wrapper" style="display: none;">

You can add extra class to the root element by supplying class prop for the <Suspense> component:

<Suspense class="custom-class">
  <p slot="loading">loading</p>

The rendered content is:


<div class="custom-class vue-suspense-wrapper">

This is the behavior of vue2.


Set the Suspense plugin options, for example:

Vue.setSuspenseOptions({ mode: 'hidden' })